Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Some good news.

Also, Katy Perry may not be dead, but Steve Jobs falling ill will do for now. What does this mean for the future of America, that the harbinger of technological-advancement-exploited-for-capitalistic-gain may not live to showcase yet another spin on the phone that can hook up to the Internet? Possibly that the fad will die out and people will realize that they don't really need a mini-laptop in the pocket at all times, and a simple cell will do. And if the fates really wanna please me they'll have us all realize how unnessecary the technology is (expect for the people who are spying on you) and that, in fact, the world's rotation was not stunted until cell phones came along and fixed it. That's right! A little Big Brother tracking you at all times may not be so smart after all!

More insanity to come...

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