Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Just finished reading Robert Graysmith's first book on the Zodiac killer. There's something strange about reading about unsolved crimes. It highlights how incapable we are controlling our society, I think. The use of aliases was annoying, but on the whole an enjoyable and sometimes scary read. Scary because it's all true.

I've realized that any higher ambitions I once hoped to attain while still living or being in constant contact with my family are unfeasable. I can't even stay in this house. I need a steady income. More friends to validate my existence. A car to break through to the other side. I need to go to college and relive high school the right way. I NEED PUSSY!!! to really validate my existence. I need to lose all this weight so I don't hate what I see in the mirror. God, how did everything go so wrong? 8 months in this room...cabin fever is a very real thing.

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